Monday, 6 May 2013

Haul - Topshop, H&M and more!

Hey huns!
So I decided as it was a long weekend that I would make a video for my haul. On Saturday, we went to my nearest city (guess haha!) And I went to Boots, Topshop, H&M, Benefit and The Body Shop. I got some lovely things for summer and now that I thought would be nice to share with you as I love hauls as well!

(By the way, my brother said I was speaking in a bit of an American accent, so please tell me if I am!!!)

Hope you enjoyed, and there will be another video soon!
Kate x


  1. Awesome video :D you sound great in front of the camera :D xx !!!

    1. thank you! ill try to be less monotone nect time though haha!!
