Saturday, 25 May 2013

A Post for Summer!

Hey Huns!
The summer holidays are fast approaching 
- as in five more days! - 
and I am super excited! I am going to try and do LOADS this summer with my friends and family. I can't wait. Summer to me means more blogs, longer days, sleeping in, no school, shorts and tshirts and all that jazzy stuff. Summer along with Christmas is by far my favourite time of the year, and it definitely helps that we're off to enjoy it.

So have you got any great plans for summer? Comment below I love to hear them. :)
Good luck with exams!
Kate x


  1. You are so lucky your holidays start so soon! I have to wait another month and a bit :( downsides of living in england. Can't wait till I do have summer holidays thou :) Can't wait to read more of your posts :)xox

    1. Thank you! I know I'm actually lucky! the primary school ones aren't out til the end of june! x

  2. Five more days !!!!! My friend moved back to Scotland recently and shes not out til mid July :O ! xx

    1. I know! they're out so late in England and Scotland! Lucky us I suppose :P
