As you may or may not have noticed, I have been very absent on social media and on this blog, due to being busy with university. I also disabled my Instagram, due to the sheer worry that someone might find it (you'd think I'd be over that worry by now, but I guess somethings are hard to get over).
All in all, 2016 was a very eventful year. I haven't really reflected too much, but hey, where better to reflect than on my blog!
Of course, it was eventful for a start due to a close family member being ill since the end of the previous October, and they were still continuing to get better in the new year. I'm glad that now he is so much better, which means 2017 can only get better!
2016 had one huge resounding blip waiting for me in the middle - the dreaded leaving cert. Of course, this isn't just something that's done within the month, but rather over months with stress, tears and procrastination all being involved. And unfortunately, the stress didn't end on June 23. Nope, it lasted the whole summer until I got my results in mid-August. The stress was for nothing, I got 200 points over what I actually needed, even if I did doubt myself constantly!
Then came university, one of the best changes in my life. I remember the butterflies I felt when we were on the motorway heading into the city, and the nerves I felt for meeting my roommates - would we get along, would they be nice etc. I honestly don't think I could have been any luckier with my roommates, they've both turned out to be such close friends to me.
I also have fallen in love with my university course. I've continued studying Spanish, and with that have taken up politics (which I find so incredibly interesting), and Portuguese, which is such a fun language to learn! The fact that I am now studying what I want has made me enjoy education one hundred times more, proving to me the importance of choosing a course that you'll love.
Along with everything else, I turned 18 in 2016! All this really meant for me was that I can actually get into clubs, which surprisingly hasn't been as enjoyable as I thought it would be. In October, I also passed my driving test, which was so exciting for me because I passed it first time.
So in reflection of the hectic year that was 2016, I'm looking forward to having an even better 2017 (if that's possible?) and making loads more memories.
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