Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Summer Epilogue

(myself and Maia from , go check out her blog!)

Sadly, summer 2015 is going into its final few weeks, which I know everyone (including me) really does not want to hear. This year I will be going into my final year of secondary school, which includes the dreaded state exams at the end of it all. As starting on September first I will be extremely busy and stressed for the 296 days thereafter, I am going to try to make the most of the last weeks of summer that I have, in bucket list form of course.

1. Get my skin under control!
I've luckily already started to do this, and it seems to be working so far. I want to make sure that when I go back to school that I have a good skincare routine to keep my acne under control.

2. Finish my Bootea tea tox
I got this tea tox a few months ago, and only used about two tea bags before I forgot to take them! I want to try to finish it to improve my health and also because quite frankly, I love the taste of the tea!

3. Get organised for the LC
One of the key things that helped me through the JC was the fact that i had everything where I wanted, and then I knew I could find it if i needed to! I started this the day after I finished school by putting all of my notes etc into seperate folders for each subject. Now I want to tidy my desk to create the perfect study space.

4. Meet with friends once a week
I want to try to meet with friends AT LEAST once week to keep myself busy. Whenever I don't meet with friends for a few days, I notice myself getting extremely bored. To combat this I try to meet up with friends, go shopping or have a sleepover.

5. Blog twice a week
I was supposed to be doing this the whole entire summer, but things like going to Spain got in the way. I've been planning different blog posts in my pink blogging diary up until mid September, so I'll definitely be organised!

I hope you enjoyed this blogpost! Have you any plans for the last few weeks of the summer holidays?

Kate x


  1. Such a great post! I also really need to sort out my skin and keep up with my blog. I love posts like this, it's nice to outline your goals and what you want to achieve, plus who doesn't love a good list, right? :P

    Hope you're having the best day!

    -Nabeela x

    1. Thanks so much! A list definitely keeps me on track :)
