So I decided AGES back to make a bucket list. If you don't know, a bucket list is a list of things that you want to do before you 'kick the bucket'. (By the way, I love the movie the Bucket List and yous should watch it.) I thought why not put it on the blog and anytime I cross off something or add something, I'll do an update on the blog. So here it is!
1-Learn to skateboard
2-Go sky diving
3-Swim with dolphins
4-Go outside Europe
5-Meet the Janoskians
6-Get an A (or more!) in my Jc
7-Be happy in my own skin
8-Buy a grand or baby grand piano
9-Go to a Bruno Mars concert
10-Start a proper YouTube channel (not unlisted)
11-Go to space
12-Open my own llama farm
13-Go to New York at Christmas time
14-Get to 100 followers
15-Actually win a beauty guru giveaway!
16-Do a giveaway on my blog
17-go to an Amish community ( I have a strange obsession with the Amish)
18-Read Ulysses
19-Go to Hong Kong
20-Have a career doing something I love like music, drama or fashion. Or just anything that interests me.
21-open an Etsy shop
22-Get all 5 Janoskians to follow me (1/5 - Beau followed me today!)
So I know some things are a wee bit impossible, but I'll try!!
Hope you enjoyed this post and comment below something that might be on your bucket list!
Kate x
Kate x
Go to Paris is on my bucket list!
Xoxo, Alex :)
I went there when I was four, but from what I remember its lovely x (i swam in a fountain because there was a heat wave haha!)