Monday, 18 March 2013

St Patricks Day, Quick Haul, Easter Collab???

Hey huns! 
So a quick post on this lovely bank holiday Monday. Yesterday was St Patricks day. I went to my paraid aitiúil (local parade) with my friends. We pretty much walked up and down the mainstreet 4 times before getting something to eat and watching the parade from the window. The parade wasn't that good, but it was great craic with my friends. I went to Penneys and I FINALLY found a pair of dark pink jeans!!!! (post relating to this to come) I was over the moon, and they were just 15 euros which was a bonus! Then we went to Superdrug, where I also finally got a Maybelline colour tattoo! It is in turquoise forever and I am happy. I also got the Macedamia & Vanilla Nivea lip butter which smells UH-MAZING. 

Ok so last thing for my lovely fellow beauty bloggers, I was wondering some of you would like to do a few collaboration posts over Easter? I don't mean guest posts I mean like 2/3/4 of us do the same post but in different ways. For example, we all do a morning routine and post it (we won't because I know a lot of blogs have already done theirs). So whaddya think? Leave a comment below if you're interested!



  1. Hey Kate ! I did the same yesterday the parade wasn't great where I was either but we've no Penneys where I live so we had to do with Dunnes :( ! I love the collab idea I've wanted to do one for ages but was afraid to ask - I have a spring / easter makeup tutorial ready to blog about and if you wanted to we could do spring makeup collabs an we could ask other bloggers if they wanted to join in to ! Did you have any ideas what the collab could be ? Grace xx

    1. Thanks so much! The easter tutorial sounds like a great idea! I was also thinking each blogger could pick a spring colour and model a look around it? When would you be blogging the spring/easter tutorial? Kate x

    2. I was going to post it on Wednesday but I've another post I can post instead and I can post the tutorial next week. The colour idea is a great idea I like it :D - I did two tutorials though so could I still post both of them ? One is pastel based and the other is more grungy xx

    3. Yeah sure! we'll start posting over Easter sure and ill email you about it later in the week?
