Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Hola my fashion savvies! Kate here with my first clothes haul!!!! (at least I THINK it's my first clothes haul....) 
So yeah! Went shopping with the girlies last Saturday! We went loads of places but the only places I really bought clothes was Penneys and this shop called Zone. I don't think there are other Zones around Ireland, but comment below if there's one near you! ;)

SO! Here goes! PENNEYS AND ZONE HAUL! (Woo!)

So I just got a few things, more pictures below! I'll go through them and say the price. Enjoy!

SO! This first thing is a sleeveless Batman tee from Zone. I absolutely LOVE Batman. He's so awesome! When I walked into the shop and there it was, a Batman top screaming 'BUY ME KATE! BUY MEEE!'
Normally I would NEVER buy anything from Zone because nothing really catches my eye, but I just had to get this!

Ok, so really sorry, my camera was really out of focus and the lighting was terrible! I think it's like that with a few photos... Whoops
But anywho! I picked up these because I saw them and I thought they were extremely dainty and cute. They're also really old fashioned!

So I'm going out with my friends in a few days and I had no idea what to wear! My friend was in the changing room and she texted me saying 'come to the changing rooms!' So I picked this dress up really quick to get in the changing rooms.... and surprisingly, it looked really nice on! SERIOUSLY surprised! and it was inexpensive too which was a bonus!

I picked up this hat in Penneys too. I just thought it was really cute and adorable! I also had in mind that by the time me and my friends go shopping, they might all be gone so, ya know, don't want to miss out!

AHHHHHH! I saw these type of jumpers on Penneys Facebook page and I thought they were ADORRRRRABLE! These will probably be sold out by Christmas so me and my friend both bought one!

OH! and i also forgot to mention I got a bright red glittery lipgloss (in the picture) for Halloween (dressing up as a doll - will post a tutorial tomorrow!)

When looking at my stuff then, I though these few things might make a nice Christmas present. Do you agree? Comment below if you do!

Hope you enjoyed the haul!

Kate x


  1. Cute I looove the jumper with the snowman and reindeer! I want one :') They're so cosy and geeky! Must buy.
    Have a good halloween!

  2. Aw thank you! have a nice halloween too!
