Hey Huns!
So back about a month ago I took the plunge and got my hair chopped.
And honestly, it's been one of the best decisions I've ever made.
Originally, my hair was pretty long (as you can see in the picture). I walked into my regular hairdressers on Halloween, sat down in the chair and told my regular hairdresser what I wanted. Her reaction was hilarious.
"Are you SURE?"
Of course I answered with yes, even though at this point I don't think I actually was sure.
The hairdresser tied my hair in a pony tail and chopped off the awful-barely-ombre ends of my hair. It was weird seeing it all gone, yet refreshing.
The next part of what happened was the usual: wash, blow dry and blunt trimming at the ends like I asked for. When it was all done, I felt like a brand new person.
My friends were absolutely shocked because I didn't tell them. And to be honest, I was sort of shocked every time I caught my reflection.
After (my hair is a bit past the shoulder but my head is to the side so it looks longer in this photo. Also, this was my Halloween makeup, what do you think?)
So what's the point of this post?
Well, I just want to say that if you're thinking of getting your hair cut short, do it! My hair now feels healthier, is easier to handle and is quicker in the mornings and I feel more mature and confident with my hair like this.
I hope you enjoyed this post!